Computers have become a very important part of education recently. Having computers in classrooms is very helpful for both teachers and students. They can be even more beneficial when each child has their own laptop to use. Students can have the opportunity to look up information they do not know or understand. Students could also respond to polls given by the teacher. This is a very quick and easy way to get survey results, and it is fun for the students to see work. Another way computers can be helpful in the classroom is if students do not like asking questions in class. By using something such as a backchannel, students could post questions anonymously, which would encourage students who are embarrassed or afraid to ask questions aloud. Having computers at school for every student provides many great opportunities for everyone in the classroom. For more information on the computers in in the classroom, read the article
Laptop Computers in the K-12 Classroom. (image:
flickr.com by vorburger)
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